So future hubby went on a fishing trip this weekend and you know what that means! GIRLS WEEKEND. My good friend KT was supposed to come in town and visit this weekend because she is on spring break BUT due to the Blizzard of 2010 we had to reschedule. However, my other good friend Kate came in town last night and we had a slumber party!
I took Kate here for dinner...

and we had one of these...

Kate is engaged to future hubby's best friend. Kate & her fiance have been mine & future hubby's "couple friend"! We've been spending a lot more time together lately... with out the boys and it has been so great getting to know her! We had a really fun and relaxing girls night. When we got home from dinner we had a glass of wine & watched...

It was 11:30 when the movie finished & I'm not gonna lie I was fading fast at the end. We got some zzzz's and slept in a bit Saturday morning. She headed home this morning. But not before my sweet angel made me run 1 mile (not kidding) in a dead sprint while giving me about 5 panic attacks. This little guy
wiggled out of his collar and made a mad dash in the opposite direction of my apartment. He crossed one street and was headed for the really busy road. Luckily he got tired of running and took a break and at that point I dove on top of him and held him in my arms the entire walk back (while scolding him). I was out of breathe and tired from my unexpected 1 mile sprint. I do work out but man are my legs sore now! So needless to day his collar is A LOT tighter now. He really is a good boy but he definitely has his puppy moments and is not to be trusted off the leash.
Since the weather was bad I expected to stay indoors with Sebastian BUT that didn't last long. I figured this would be the perfect day to look at wedding invitations and update our registry. I also managed to pick up my future mother-in-laws bday present! It was fantastic hardly anyone was out at the stores and not much traffic on the roads. I came home and worked on the wedding website & waited patiently for future hubby to get home! He's home now safe and sound from his Arkansas fishing trip. I'm going to spend some time with him!
I'll be in touch blogging world! Have a blessed night :)
wooowooo! love the blog - am following it now :) Also had a great time this weekend - need to make us hanging out a regular occurrence :)